Saturday, September 10, 2005

OK, while I excuse

OK people, I'm going to take this post to apologize, and say I think I finally have it all figured out. Episode 3 with be up this weekend, after a person at approves of it. While I'm waiting, I will tell you why it is taking me forever.

On my first podcast, I found this site called It was great, I uploaded my podcast with ease, and had metadata all ready and built in. A few people found it from the site, good publicity. Then, I created episode 2. Of course I went to to upload, and it wouldn't. After trying countless times, I downloaded the Ourmedia Publishing Tool. It wouldn't work. So I tried the Publishing Wizard. Same thing happened. So I gave up on them, and decided to try another file service. I needed one with direct links that would stay the same throughout time. I couldn't find one, so I tried I thought the files would stay a good amount of time for my feed, but no, only 48 hours! So this week I tried Ourmedia again, to nothing uploaded, Creative Commons Publisher, blogmatrix, garageband, and many other sites. Nothing got me what I needed. So finally, I went to again and clicked the hosting. It said the normal "Use ccPublisher for your files" but then I looked down and saw it supported FTP uploading. I have never used an FTP before, and don't plan to for anything else, but I thought I might as weel try. After many attempts of different clients, around 10, I got one called Robust to work. This program is all in flash, so it looks pretty, but I couldn’t see any of the file directories. I accidentally uploaded my ATI graphics card drivers, but found where that was located and made a folder called 60FPS, so that it would be first in alphabetical order. It uploaded that, and got my podcast online. is still making me wait for a curator to approve it, so as I wait for a special person to listen to my cast, won't you get your feed catchers ready, because episode 3 of the 60 Frames Per Second podcast will hopefully be up later tonight!

P.S. From now I will try and get it uploaded the night of editing. But, I know by now you probably don't trust me!