Wednesday, October 19, 2005

60 FPS 8

I know this episode is a day late, and to be truthful, if next week episode is a Monday release, I will be surprised. Anyway, this one is really cool, I had a lot of fun doing it. One of the biggest reasons is user created stuff (intro, flash panels, etc.) so keep sending them in to (I get spam from that so you better use it :P) Without going on and on, I will just post all the regular episode post stuff.

Direct Download Links
High Quality 128kbps (used in all feeds)
Lower Quality 64kbps
Ogg Vorbis

64kbps streamed .m3u (you can also find streams on my podnova and Odeo sites) Info Page


Mario Kart DS Bundle Pictures
Mario Kart DS Videos
MKDS Details
Wi-Fi DS Interface Details
Slideshow of some Wi-Fi DS Pics
Xbox Live Arcade Line-up
Oblivion for launch....nope
Dead or Alive 4 Meets Halo
Picture 1 of Spartan in DOA 4
Picture 2 of Spartan in DOA 4
Hex 168 (Win me a 360 and I'll mention you every podcast!!!)
Private WoW servers
Halo on Linux
The Not So Official HOVER! Site

Sunday, October 16, 2005

60 FPS 8 Delayed!

Well, I am sad to say that episode 8 will be delayed until the middle of this week. The reasons are many, mostly just that I didn't have enough time to get everything I wanted to talk about, record, edit, then upload and post. I have mostly been working on my iTunes version, which was completely messed up on my computer. I finally fixed it, and have the first episode of Lost on my computer through it! I will probably record tommorow for the podcast, and edit it throughout the week, and get it on the net by Wednesday or early Thursday, with a possible Tuesday release I am aiming for. This episode will rock, and people who sent me some intros will be happy in the next couple of episodes (go ahead and make some, I can always use more!) Either way, I better get to work on your 8th version of 60 Frames Per Second.